“Choose the right car for your 5 lifestyles”

Each year we can see that each brand of cars releases new, beautiful and modern models. Whether it is a distinctive shape, cutting edge technology, or even designing a living space to suit the changing lifestyles of people. But apart from the beauty that resonates with the driver There are still many factors that need to be taken into consideration before you buy a new car.

What kind of car is this lifestyle suitable for?

1. Emphasize agility City driving

As we all know, the traffic in our country is considered one of the heaviest traffic jams. Which people who drive cars would not be happy Where will spend a lot of time traveling for nothing Where will it consume oil? When faced with traffic like this Choosing a car to use is very important. Especially if you drive mainly in the city, you should choose a car with an engine that is less than 1.5 liters, small, compact, easy to drive, easy to park, and may not have to focus on a fast car.

2. Wade lines focus on driving outside the city (Upcountry

Anyone who wants a car for long journeys Or having to drive outside the city especially often. This type of car must have a high performance engine. Do speed well Including safety technology, it should be full Engine size 1.6 liters or more is considered good power. Plus, there are many designs to choose from. Both a sedan SUV This size car gives you a comfortable ride, comfortable ride, and doesn’t waste too much gas. Of course, the price may not be that low. But believe it, it’s worth it. And driving long distances with confidence.

3. For the family lover 

Choosing to buy a car for everyone in the family It may be a lot of thought and research. Because besides the relatively expensive price Also have to take into account the suitability of family members The most popular family cars at the moment are the PPV, MPV and SUV categories, which are featured in the size of the car and the spacious passenger cabin, and also adaptable functions. The driver and the passenger family members will feel comfortable and uncomfortable. It also has a space on the back to place things and luggage as well.

4. Focus on the use of heavy loads

If there is a need to focus on the use of loading, carrying goods, moving house Moving of the office Distribute products to different points or carry fresh food, seafood, or want to focus on a variety of uses. Drive anywhere regardless of whether the road is bumpy or pothole. Can wade anywhere, any terrain, with heavy use, it is inevitable that one durable pickup truck. Today, there are many pickup trucks that have applied new technology as well as a more sleek design. Can be called carrying heavy things It can also indicate a modest lifestyle.

5. Economy Line (Eco Car, Electric Train)

Today, the world oil price is constantly fluctuating and increasing day by day. In addition, consumers are increasingly turning to energy-efficient vehicles and environmental conscious trends. Therefore, it has developed an energy-saving and environmentally-friendly vehicle that is an Eco-car, an alternative fuel vehicle. Electric  cars, hybrid cars and hydrogen-powered vehicles Which is in most cases a good sized car Not too big, easy to drive, and the engine isn’t too light. Considered to be a very interesting alternative.

If you are looking for a car lover or are deciding to buy your first car Must choose to meet the needs of use and beautiful design that resonates It will be able to use it worthwhile and have a feeling of cherished your favorite car. In addition, must not forget to take good care of it. Whether it is a periodic check Check performance Change parts as scheduled And buy car insurance at a special price and great protection from Ufabet finance.